Saturday, May 26, 2012

Heidelberg and Sloth

These last few weeks have been spent stretched out on the grass by the Lahn drinking beer or wine, listening to music, and just talking with people. The weather has been abnormally great (in the 70's and 80's) so everyone in Marburg tends to bee line to the Lahn when done with classes. I wish Salt Lake City had something like the Lahn where people could go down by the river and just hang on the grass for hours grilling, drinking, playing music and games, swimming, going out on paddle boats. It is such a great way to unwind from everything. Basically the last few weeks have gone on like this with all-day Lahn parties and then bonfires that go until dawn. Would you believe that I am still actually getting my homework done? Some of the strange miracles of Marburg, my friends.
Yesterday, Chelsea and I decided to take a day trip to Heidelberg (which is just outside of Hessen, but Deutsche Bahn still let's us travel there for free, YAY). Simply amazing weather to be on a train because you pass by all of these huge green fields and large ponds where you can see people boating and water-skiing, not to mention you have a clear view of the castles in each town that you pass by. Simply an amazing country, Germany. When we arrived in Heidelberg we grabbed a map and then headed straight for the castle. You'd think it would be easy to find the castle because it's on the top of a hill, alas... it is the best defended castle in history simply because there is no way to find a way up. Eventually we did, and I wont mention how long it took us because it is embarrassing, and I lugged three liters of wine all the way up where we found a bench to sit on in the middle of the ruins in the shade. There is simply an incredible view from up top:
We sat there for hours just talking, talking, talking about everything that could really possibly be discussed. We people watched and then started reading out loud from books and drank to our heart's content.
As we finished up the last of our boxes, we decided it was time to pack it in and see the rest of the city before catching the last train back to Marburg.
It was such a perfect day that I honestly have no complaints. Not even about the little gremlin saplings that screamed and cried on the train ride back. It was one of those days that just makes you feel complete.

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